The Spiritual Psychologist Nicola Phoenix: The Gift of Learning

For this first column, I start with gratitude for the creators of, who bring such an inspiring site of sharing, informing and togetherness. It shows us all what vision and intent can create in your life. I shall be writing more on this creative power within each of us in future columns.

This column is about the spiritual side of life. This is not just taking part in activities that we may call spiritual (such as yoga or meditation) it is about how we live our lives being in touch, being ‘in-spirit’ always. Being in touch with our own desires, needs and visions for our life, and how we can work towards these experiences in peace and with contentment. How can we use our intuition and personal insights instead of allowing our mind chatter to overwhelm our inner knowing? How can we embrace this wonderful journey of life with open arms to new experiences without fears and negative thoughts preventing us from experience joy and peace. This column is about being and staying in touch. Practical advice, questions to ponder and most importantly about a step forward in creating the life that you would like to living!

Throughout the coming weeks I shall keep you updated with information about events occurring throughout London, which may be helpful and beneficial to keeping yourself in-spirit in your London life. Most importantly, this column is a place to enhance your learning and development as you walk the path of your life.

So starting as we mean to go on, let us take learning from this column together. I previously mentioned walking the path of your life. How often do we let ourselves become absorbed in how well, what way, and whether others are walking what we feel is right for them. Although so often we come to this situation from a point of caring, concern and love for another, it is such a wonderful point of our own learning to let others live their lives and for you to follow yours. Quite simply allow others to be the master of their journey and even if you think that they are (metaphorically of course!) driving their journey of life at the wrong speed, in the wrong lane, or even in the wrong direction as the rest of the traffic, that is just where they are now. It can and will change, but for now we can embrace the idea of teaching others by our own path of living in spirit and let them be inspired from this. The well known and loved quote by Mahatma Ghandi

“Be the change you want to see in the world”.

Let us try to be the peace, joy and happiness that we wish to see in our world and more importantly our selves, and inspire others by embracing and living our own truths. Use this time in your life to ponder what feels right for you? Allow each aspect of your life to be addressed with the positive intension of tapping into where you would like to be, what would you like to be doing and how would you like to be feeling towards it?

It may be useful for you to take a little time to write down a few ideas, or draw a picture of what you would like your future to look like. Allow new ideas to flow in, and even start to think of all of those dreams that you have stored away waiting for the right time, its here now. Use this time as the very start of allowing yourself to become aware of what it is that you would really like to do with your life. For change always begins with awareness. If we can become aware of what it is that we would like to change…that is the fist step in heading in the right direction for us. Over the coming weeks we shall be looking at creating these ideas as your reality and of course how to make sure that the resistance and barriers that we can at times put up…are firmly gone.

Enjoy getting in touch with what it is you would like to experience in your life! No limits or restrictions, just allow your self to ponder the possibilities.

With love

Nicola Phoenix

Next Time – The Gift of your Creative Potential – The Power of Thought, Action and Emotion.

Psychologist, Yoga Practitioner, Speaker, Writer
Neal’s Yard Remedies Therapy Rooms, London tel: 020 7379 7662

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    “Enjoy getting in touch with what it is you would like to experience in your life! No limits or restrictions, just allow your self to ponder the possibilities.” This is a wonderful exercise, this post has really solid recommendations for living a life that is tuned and in harmony with our selves.

  2. 2

    Nice shot! I love watching sunset too..

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